A Troop 4/12th Cav


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Military Jargon from "The Soldier's Handbook", written by the U.S. Army



  • BULLSHIT FREQ: The highest frequency on the tactical FM radios which units used in Viet Nam. Often at night, GI's would turn their radio to this frequency and chat with friends in other units scattered around the AO. Probably one of the enemy's best sources of intelligence on us, but a party line connection to friends for some soldiers.Good

  • bunker guard
  • BUNKER GUARD:Fortresses made of wood and sandbags positioned around a base camp or LZ for perimeter defense. Soldiers occupied these structures on a daily basis. Towers were also constructed to aid in early detection of the enemy. Go out web page on Bunker Guard. Taylor

  • BUMMER: Bad luck or a real drag. Coop
  • BUTTER BAR: 2nd Lt., lowest Commissioned Officer rank; from the single gold bar rank insignia. Coop

  • BUSH: Term for the field. Coop

  • BUTTERFLY: Vietnamese slang for GI that went from one girl to another girl. Coop

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  • C-4: Plastic explosive, dull white in color with the consistency of Play-Doh. Very powerful, but will burn without exploding when lit with a flame. Useful for heating C-Rations, water, warming hands, igniting the diesel fuel used to burn waste from the latrines, and blowing up things. Usually packaged in one pound bricks wrapped in plastic or 1/4 pound sheets about 1/16 thick. Though more powerful than TNT or dynamite, it is very stable. Coop

  • CACHE: Hidden enemy supplies. Coop

  • CAM ON: (cam oon) Vietnamese for thank you. Coop

  • CAV: Cavalry (Airmobile i.e. 1st Cav or Armored i.e. 12th Cav). Coop

  • CHAO CO: (chow coh) Vietnamese for hello or good-bye. Coop

  • CHARLIE: Military phonetic for letter "C". Coop

  • CHEAP CHARLIE: anyone, especially a U.S. serviceman, who does not waste his money. Coop

  • CHARLIE: Viet Cong - the enemy. Coop

  • CHEESE: Slang for the charge used to propel a mortar round. As in: Two and a quarter cheese. Max

  • CHERRY: Slang for youth and/or inexperience. Coop

  • CHIEU HOI: was the name given to Viet Cong or NVA defectors who worked as scouts for the American Army. They were also called "Kit Carsons," after the name of the program that welcomed defectors and trained them for deployment to American field units. Pineapple The "open arms" program, promising clemency and financial aid to Viet Cong and NVA soldiers and cadres who stopped fighting and returned to South Vietnamese authority. Coop

  • cheu hoi pamphlet cheu hoi pamphlet
  • CHEU HOI PAMPHLETS: Propoganda leafelets were dropped by high flying U.S. aircraft and were found everywhere around the Viet Namese countryside. They encouraged NVA and VC soldiers to surrender or defect to the US/South Viet Namese side, and offered safe passage to any enemy soldier. Good

  • CMH: Congressional Medal of Honor. The highest U.S. military decoration awarded for conspicuous gallantry at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. Coop

  • C.I.B.: Combat Infantry Badge, Army award for serving as an Infantryman in a combat zone. Coop

  • CO: Commanding Officer. Coop

  • COMMO: Slang for communications. Coop

  • CONTACT: Coming into contact with the enemy. Coop

  • CP: Command Post. Coop

  • c-rations
  • C-RATIONS: Combat Rations. Canned meals for use in the field; some of these meals had to be older than the people eating them or so it seem at the time. Coop --C-RATS: were C-rations, a kind of food that has no taste and does not make you fat. Pineapple Go to our web page for C-Rations.

  • CRISPY CRITTERS: Burn victims. Coop

  • CROC-A-DAO: There was also a strange Vietnamese word, "croc-a-dao" which meant "dead" or "kill." Mostly told to Vietnamese people as a threat, as in "I croc-a-dao you." Pineapple My recollection is that it was coc-dao? Been a long time...Good

  • CS: A riot-control gas that burns the eyes and mucus membranes. Coop

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  • 11D: Armor Reconnaissance Specialist ( also know as 11DELTA MOS for Scouts). Mills

  • DAP: handshake and greeting which may last up to ten minutes and is characterized by the use of both hands and often comprised of slaps and snaps of the fingers. Used by black soldiers, highly ritualized and unit specific.Good

  • DD214: A trooper's discharge papers. Gives a brief summary of the trooper's time in service, awards, decorations, and etc. This is one document from the Army that we still have in our possession.Mills

  • DELTA: Military phonetic for letter "D". Coop

  • DEROS: Date of Expected Return from Overseas; back to the big PX or the World.Coop

  • deuce and a half
  • DEUCE-AND-A-HALF: Two-and-a-half ton truck. Coop

  • DICKED: "Having it dicked," meant that you had it made, you were in a real advantageous situation, like being a lifeguard at China Beach. Also related to this phase was a "dick job" which was an easy job. I believe the word was used to indicate the similarity between your dick and what ever the easy job or situation was. Pineapple

  • DI-DI-MAU: Vietnamese word, which meant, "go away." It was useful because you had to say it a lot to kids. You could also use the phase as a verb as in "He di-di-mau'd out of there." Pineapple

  • DINK: Derogatory term for an Asian. Coop

  • DINKY DAU: Crazy. Coop To be crazy, from "dien cai dau" Good

  • dismounted patrol
  • DISMOUNTED PATROL: in the armored cavalry, to be on mounted patrol was to be riding your APC, conversely, a dismounted patrol would be the kind of patrol that would be powered by one's feet. Scouts disliked dismounted patrol, but it was their job. Ironic though how when it came time to move out the grunts, like us, used to yell "mount up," when in their case, there was nothing to mount.Pineapple

  • DISNEYLAND FAR EAST: HQ building of the U.S. Military Assistance Command Vietnam; derived from Disneyland East Ð Pentagon. Coop

  • DMOS: Duty MOS; the MOS of the job you were doing (even if you were not trained for it). Coop

  • DMZ: Demilitarized zone; the dividing line between North and South Vietnam as established at the Geneva Convention in 1954. Coop

  • Dustoff
  • DMZ DUSTOFF: Callsign of the helicopter medical evacuation unit that served our AO. When someone was hurt, rather than dialing 911, we would have 30 Yankee call DMZ Dustoff.Good

  • DOC: Medic Coop

  • donut dolly
  • DONUT DOLLY: Red Cross women who would occasionally (rarely) visit us while we were in base camp. They brought snacks and organized games and entertainment to provide a bit of relief from the typical routine of being on duty 24/7 in a combat zone.Good

  • DOO-MAO-MIE: English approximation of the Vietnamese du ma, meaning literally "fuck mother".Good

  • DUNG LA: Stop Coop

  • DUST-OFF: medical evacuation by helicopter. Coop

  • DX: Direct exchange. Also, to discard or dispose of, or to kill someone.Good

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  • EARLY-OUTS: A soldier with 150 days or less remaining on his active duty commitment when he DEROSed from Vietnam would receive a reduction in time and receive an early discharge. (This is why I spent 20 months in country - most Troopers were smart enough to find a job in the rear but then some of us were not cut out for the rear). Coop

  • ECHO: Military phonetic for the letter "E". Coop

  • ELEVEN BRAVO: MOS of an infantryman. Coop

  • ELEVEN ECHO: MOS of an armored crewman. Mills

  • EM: enlisted man/men. Coop

  • EOD: Engineer Ordnance Disposal, highly trained to defuse and destroy bombs, shells, etc. Coop

  • ETS: Estimated time of separation from military service. Coop

  • EVAC'D: Evacuated. Coop

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  • FAC: USAF forward air controller. The FACs we usually dealt with were the airborne FACs in OV-10 aircraft with the callsign Barky.Good

  • FART SACK: Sleeping bag.Good

  • FIRE BASE: Temporary artillery encampment used for fire support of ground troops. Coop

  • FIREFIGHT: Exchange of small arms fire with the enemy; a battle. Coop

  • FIVE: Radio call sign for the (XO) executive officer of a unit. Coop

  • FLAKY: State of mental disarray; spaciness. Coop

  • FNG: Fucking New Guy. Coop

  • FO: Forward observer; person attached to a field unit to coordinate placement of direct and/or indirect fire from ground, air, and naval units. Coop

  • FOXTROT: Military phonetic for the letter "F". Coop

  • FRAGGING: Intentionally killing or wounding of your own soldiers by a grenade. Coop

  • FREE FIRE ZONE: IArea where everyone was deemed hostile and a legitimate target by U.S. forces. Coop

  • FREEDOM BIRD: Plane that took soldiers from Vietnam back to the World. Coop

  • FRIENDLY FIRE: Accidental attacks on U.S. or allied soldiers by other U.S. or allied soldiers. Coop

  • FSA: forward support area; one stop service base established by logistical units near an operation or forward base camp. Coop

  • FUBAR: F__k Up Beyond All Reason. Coop

  • FUCK: Most commonly used word in the GI vocabulary (fucked - fuckin - fuckinA). Coop

  • FUCKED UP: Wounded or killed. Also to get stoned, drunk, or do something stupid. Coop

  • FUCKING A CHICKEN: The GI sleeping bags we were issued in Viet Nam were stuffed with goose down. They were really pretty good sleeping bags, and rather functional on the cool, wet nights that we had during much of the year. Even when it was hot they provided padding from the hard ground. Occasionally they would tear, however, and if the inside of one ripped open during the night, and a trooper did a little tossing and turning in his sleep, he would emerge from the sleeping bag covered with feathers. When that happened, he would usually be greated with the question "what have you been doing, fucking a chicken?"Good

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  • HAMLET: Small rural village. Coop

  • HAMMER AND ANVIL: Tactic of surrounding an enemy base area, then sending in units to drive the enemy out of hiding. Coop

  • HEADS: smoked marijuana. "Juicers" used alcohol. There were those that did both, there were those that did none. There were those that went for the heavier drugs, just as there were those who were alcoholic. Heads and Juicers mostly partied with their own kind. Pineapple

  • HERRINGBONE: A defensive procedure by which armored vehicles going down a road or trail would turn out in alternating left & right directions at a 45 degree angle. Effective in dealing with ambushes from both sides of a road, or in setting up a hasty defense during short pauses in a road march. Captioned photo of herringbone formation. Good

  • H & I: Harassment and interdiction; random fire used to deny the enemy terrain which they might find beneficial. Coop

  • ho chi minh slippers
  • HO CHI MINH SLIPPERS: Sandals made from tires, the soles are made from the tread and the straps from inner tubes. Coop

  • HO CHI MINH TRAIL: Jungle paths through Laos and Cambodia which serves as the principle Viet Cong and NVA supply route. Coop

  • HOOCH: Dwelling (military or civilian). Coop

  • HOT: Area under fire. Coop

  • HOTEL: Military phonetic for the letter "H". Coop

  • HQ: Headquarters. Coop

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  • IFC: Indirect Fire Crewman; big time lingo for a member of the mortar crew. Max

  • I CORPS: Northern most military region in South Vietnam. Coop

  • II CORPS: Central Highlands military region in South Vietnam. Coop

  • III CORPS: Military region between Saigon and the Highlands. Coop

  • IV CORPS: Mekong Delta southernmost military region in South Vietnam. Coop

  • IN-COMING!: Always yelled to alert troopers to incoming enemy rockets, mortars, and etc. Coop

  • IN-COUNTRY: Vietnam (usually the time a soldier arrived in). Coop

  • INDIA: Military phonetic for the letter "I". Coop

  • INJUN COUNTRY: Anything outside of a base camp. Mills

  • IT DON'T MEAN NOTHING: was a phrase you said when you were really disappointed, and that something really meant something to you. It was a thing to say to keep you from going crazy. Pineapple

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  • JOHN WAYNE: To describe the actions of someone who exposes himself to danger. Coop

  • JOHN WAYNE BARS: Round, flat, chocolate bars with crushed nuts that came in some C-ration meals. Really a pretty good snack or desert to finish off the usually C-ration main course.Good

  • JULIET: Military phonetic for the letter "J". Coop

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  • KIA: Killed In Action. Coop

  • KILL ZONE: Area around an explosive device within which it is predicted that occupants will be killed. Coop

  • KILO: Military phonetic for the letter "K". Coop

  • KIT CARSON SCOUT: Former Viet Cong or NVA soldiers who act as guides for U.S. military units. Coop

  • KLICK: Kilometer (1,000 meters). Coop

  • KP: Kitchen Police; mess hall duty.Coop

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  • LAAGGER: A circular formation, like the old pioneer's circling the wagons. Usually at night we would set up our NDP in a laager formation with all of the vehicles circled and pointing outward, except for the mortar track which was usually in the center of the position in order to provide fire in any direction.Good

  • LAI DAY: Vietnamese for "come here" - (pronounced "ley dye") Coop

  • LBJ: Long Binh Jail, military stockade at Long Binh. Coop

  • LRRP: Long Range Recon Patrol, infantry type who operated in the field for days/weeks at a time with little support, scouting the terrain for enemy activity. Coop

  • LIFERS: were enlisted men who usually had rank. They intended to stay in the army until they retired. The hippies who found themselves in the army used the term with derision. The gap between the unranked enlisted and the lifer was wide indeed and only a few lifers, who earned the respect of their men because of their leadership ability, could bridge it. Pineapple

  • LIMA: Military phonetic for the letter "L".Coop

  • LIMA CHARLIE: slang for loud and clear.Coop

  • LIT-UP: Fired upon.Coop

  • LP: Listening Post. Two or three man position set up at night outside the perimeter away from the main body of troopers, which acted as an early warning system against attack. Coop

  • LT: Lieutenant. Coop

  • LZ: Landing Zone. Usually a small clearing for the landing of resupplies helicopters. Some become more permanent and eventually base camps. Coop

  • LUKE THE GOOK: Slang term for Viet Namese, especially VC or NVA.Good

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  • MACV: Military Assistance Command / Vietnam. The main American military command unit that had responsibility for and authority over all U.S. military activities in Vietnam. Coop

  • MAD MINUTE: Weapons free-fire practice and test session. Coop

  • MAMA SAN: Slang used by American servicemen for any older Vietnamese woman. Coop

  • MARVIN THE ARVN: was a South Vietnamese soldier. ARVN being an acronym for the Army of the Republic of Vietnam. It was a perfect name for an imperfect soldier. Pineapple

  • MECH: Abbreviation for mechanized. Coop

  • MERMITE: Large insulated containers. Coop

  • MIA: Missing in action. Max

  • MIKE: Military phonetic for the letter "M". Coop

  • MOS: Military occupational specialty. Coop

  • MPC
  • MPC: Military payment currency; the scrip U.S. soldiers were paid in. Coop

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  • NAM: Vietnam Coop

  • NCO: Noncommissioned officer (Sgt. and etc). Coop

  • NDP: Night defensive position. Coop

  • NET: Radio frequency setting, from "network". Coop

  • NO SWEAT: Easy, simple. Coop

  • NUMBAH: Then there were the famous "Numbah 1" and "Numbah 10" phrases. One was good, ten was bad, as in "He numbah 1" or "He's number 10 G.I." It was a favorite way of communicating the words "good" and "bad" between G.I.'s and Vietnamese. Pineapple

  • NUOC MAN: (noouk mom) Vietnamese national dish, fermented fish sauce. Coop

  • NVA: North Vietnamese Army. Coop

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  • OCS: Officer Candidate School.Coop

  • OSCAR: Military phonetic for the letter "O".Coop

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  • P'S: piastres, basic Vietnamese monetary unit; $1 equaled about 118 piastres. Coop

  • PAPA: Military phonetic for the letter "P". Coop

  • PAPA SAN:Slang used by U.S. servicemen for any older Vietnamese man. Coop

  • PERIMETER: Outer most edge of a military position. Coop

  • PFC: Private first class. Coop

  • PLASTIC: type of explosive favored by sappers. Coop

  • PLATOON: Subdivision of a troop-sized military unit (HQ Ð 1st Ð 2nd Ð 3rd). Coop

  • PMOS: Primary MOS (military occupational specialty); the MOS of the job you were trained for. Coop

  • POINT: Forward man or element on a combat patrol. Coop

  • POP SMOKE: Set off a smoke grenade. Mills

  • PRC-25: (PRICK 25): portable radio communications, Model25, a backpacked FM receiver-transmitter used for short-distance communications. The range of the radio was 5-10 kilometers, depending on the weather, unless attached to a special, nonportable antenna, which could extend the range to 20-30 kilometers. Coop

  • PTSD: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, development of characteristic symptoms after the experiencing of a psychologically traumatic event or events outside the range of human experience usually considered to be normal. The characteristic symptoms involve reexperiencing the traumatic event, numbing of responsiveness to, or involvement with, the external world, exaggerated startled response, difficulty in concentrating, memory impairment, guilt feelings, and sleep difficulties. Coop

  • PURPLE HEART: U.S. military decoration awarded to any member of the Armed Forces wounded by enemy action. Coop

  • PX: Post exchange Ð military store. Coop

  • PUCKER FACTOR: The higher the number the greater the fear factor. Mills

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  • QUAN CANH: (kwuhn kein) Vietnamese military police. Coop

  • QUEBEC: Military phonetic for the letter "Q". Coop

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  • S-1: Personnel staff officer at brigade & battalion HQGood

  • S-2: Intelligence staff officer at brigade & battalion HQGood

  • S-3: Operations & training staff officer at brigade & battalion HQGood

  • S-4: Logistics staff officer at brigade & battalion HQGood

  • S-5: Civil Military Affairs staff officer at brigade & battalion HQGood

  • SADDLE UP: Prepare to move out. Coop

  • SALVO: Firing an artillery (for example) battery in unison. Coop

  • SAPPER: A "sapper" is a NVA or Viet Cong soldier who is specially trained to infiltrate American defensive perimeters. Usually dressed only in shorts and carrying a single weapon, be it a satchel charge (large explosive in a sack, usually having a handle for easy throwing) or a single RPG, he is able to slip under, around, and through perimeter defenses to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting US soldiers who are half-asleep in their bunker. They often precede all-out ground attacks by taking out a bunker or other defensive position at the point of attack.. They'll do things like turn claymore mines around to face the American soldier, then crawl away, make a noise and see what happens. They are unstoppable, almost magical in their abilities. There is a Vietnam movie called "Hamburger Hill" that shows a defector-sapper penetrating the wire while the new guys watch, amazed.Pineapple

  • SERGEANT: E-5, lowest noncommissioned officer ranks. (Buck Sgt.) Coop

  • SEABEES: Navy construction engineers. Coop

  • SEARCH AND DESTORY: An operation in which American Forces searched an area and destroyed anything, which the enemy might find useful. Coop

  • SHAKE'N'BAKE: Sergeant who attended NCO School and earned rank after only a very short time in uniform. (I am a very proud member of that group. Let me give you a little insight to "SHAKE'N'BAKE" School. During the Vietnam Era the Army need a quick supply of NCOs' in the combat arms MOS. I was part of the Armor NCO Candidate Course Class #2 1968, we started out with 60 members Ð not all of these candidates were new to the Army, some had been in the Army for a number of years and still had not reach the rank of Sgt. this was one of the biggest rubs of the programs with someone who was a career soldier- at graduation there was only 37 of us still standing. In about 90 days we had a 48% dropout rate and then you send these new NCOs' off to NAM. I myself was very fortune in being sent to A Troop, the extra time in Carson and being shipped out with the entire troop made my OJT much easier). Coop

  • Nickname for graduates of the "Instant NCO Course." The Noncommissioned Officer Candidate course took AIT graduates who had been in the Army for all of 4 months, and gave them another 3 months of training, followed by a brief OJT period in a training unit in the States, and promoted them to Sergeant E-5 or for the top graduates, Staff Sergeant E-6. These guys arrived in Viet Nam with well under a year's total time in service as sergeants. Some performed well, while some made their lack of experience and seasoning obvious to even the most casual observer.Good

  • SHAMMING: Goofing off or getting by with as little effort as possible. Coop Shamming with Malan and Pineapple
  • SHIT: was something you knew. As in, "Listen to that PFC, he knows his shit." Pineapple

  • SHIT BURNER: In the firebases, it was common practice to build wooden "outhouse" latrines, with a 55 Gal. drum under the seat for feces and toilet paper to go into. Once or twice a day, the fecal waste would be disposed of by burning. Someone would get the duty of pulling the 55 Gal. drums out of the outhouse, pouring a couple of gallons of diesel fuel into them, and burning the shit. In a good unit where everyone was performing to the best of their abilities, the shit burning duty was rotated on a random basis. If a trooper had been goofing off, or getting into trouble, a few days of duty as the shit burner would often motivate him to be more of a team player and optimal performer in his regular duties.Good

    My job was to burn shit

  • SHIT BURNING: Sanitization of latrines by burning of excrement. (Do not let Jerry sanitize your latrine, you could find yourself without a latrine.) Coop

  • SHORT: Term used by everyone in Vietnam to tell all who would listen just how soon he would be going home. (I am so short I cannot see over the tops of my boots and etc. One had to top another short timer when it came to the question "just how short are you?") Coop

  • short timer's card short timer's card
  • SHORT-TIMER: A trooper with not much time left in country (in Vietnam). Mills

  • SHRAPNEL: Pieces of metal sent flying by an explosion. Coop

  • SIERRA: Military phonetic for the letter "S". Coop

  • SILVER STAR: U.S. military decoration awarded for gallantry in action. Coop

  • SIT-REP: Situation report. Coop

    Situation Report. Status report called into higher headquarters by radio. Usually at night if operating separately the platoons would each call in a SITREP to 30 Yankee in the rear once an hour, just to let them know that we were still in radio contact and had not been horribly killed by the unseen communist hoards.Good

  • SIX: Unit Commander. Coop

  • SKATE: Task of accomplishment that required little effort. Coop

  • SLOPE: Slang term for an Asian person. Coop

  • S.O.S.: Abbreviation for "Shit on a Shingle", slang for an Army food consisting of meat in a gravy put on plain white bread. Recipe   Taylor

  • SPEC-4: Specialist 4th Class, Army rank. Coop

  • SPEC-5: Specialist 5th Class, Army rank equivalent to a sergeant. Main difference between SPEC and SGT was a matter of formal leadership role. Coop

  • SPIDER HOLE: Camouflaged enemy foxhole. Coop

  • SPOT REPORT: Radio report of enemy action or movement, or any other important event. Coop

  • SQUAD: Small military unit consisting of less than ten men.Coop

  • STAFF SERGEANT: E-6, the second lowest rank for a noncommissioned officer.Coop

  • STAND DOWN: unit's return from the boonies to the base camp for refitting.Coop

  • STEAM & CREAM: Slang name for the military operated steam bath and massage parlors at some of the larger bases. There wasn't one at Quang Tri, however some of the troopers were able to get to Danang where the 80th Group had a Steam & Cream on their compound. The name came from the steam of the steam baths and . . .. well, use your imagination to figure out where the cream came from when the nubile young Viet Namese masseuse would ask a GI fresh from several weeks in the bush if he wanted a "special massagie".Good

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  • UNIFORM: Military phonetic for the letter U Good

  • UP: this was said by the tank loader to let the gunner or the T.C. know that the main gun was loaded and the safety was off. Coop

  • US: Prefix to serial number of Army draftees. Coop

  • USELESS: pun on USIS, United States Information Service. Coop

  • c-rations
  • USO: United Service Organization; provided entertainment to the troops and was intended to raise morale. Coop

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  • VA: Veterans Administration. Coop

  • VC: Viet Cong (Victor Charlie) the enemy. Coop

  • VICTOR: Military phonetic for the letter VGood

  • VILLE: Vietnamese hamlet or village. Coop

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  • WAKEUP: The troopers final day in country. "I have 3 days and a Wake Up left." Mills

  • WARRANT OFFICER: Rank structure between enlisted men and commissioned officers. They outrank an E-9 but are below a 2nd Lt.; usually highly trained/skilled specialists.Coop

  • WASTED: Killed.Mills

  • WEED: Marijuana.Coop

  • WHAT THEY GOING TO DO? SEND ME TO 'NAM?: this phrase was said when you did something slightly wrong or you expressed a politically incorrect thought. It was said to point out that the authorities couldn't do anything worse to you than send you to 'Nam, because you were here already.Pineapple

  • WHISKEY: Military phonetic for the letter W Good

  • WHITE MICE: South Vietnamese police. The nickname came from their uniform white helmets and gloves.Good

  • WIA: Wounded in action.Coop

  • WORLD: United States.Coop

  • WW: Walking Wounded, hurt but still able to fight. Max

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  • XIN LOI: Vietnamese for sorry about that.Mills

  • XO: executive officer, second in command of the troop. Coop

  • X-RAY: Military phonetic for the letter X Coop

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  • YARD: short for Montagnard, any one of a number of semi-nomadic people. Coop

  • YANKEE: Military phonetic for the letter Y Good

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  • Z: short for DMZ. Coop

  • ZAPPED: killed. Coop

  • ZULU: Military phonetic for the letter Z Good

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This site is in no way connected to, or sanctioned by, any official Army or Government entity. This is, and will be a work in progress; we apologize now for any errors and/or mistakes. Information for this site has been and will continue to be gathered from many different sources. It is intended as a place for fellow troopers, family and friends of A Troop 4th Squadron 12th Cavalry (Vietnam Era) to visit, seek contact with, gather information or some insight into the history, language and jargon of the people who were part of A Troop, then and now. A Troop 4/12 Cav (Vietnam Era) invites and encourages trooper's family members to participate in the troop's reunions, memorial services, remembrances of our fellow troopers who have passed on to Fiddler's Green, and to continue the camaraderie of the BROTHERHOOD....Long Live the Cav and its BROTHERHOOD!!