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M125 Trooper Reflections on the M125
Photos of M125 in combat

M125 materials contributed by:
Earl Schorpp (40)
Denny Patrick
JT Tillman
Skee (Klinsky)

Mary Jane
photo right: Track 29, the Mary Jane

The M125 incorporates all of the mobility, reliability improvements of the M113 including powertrain, engine diagnostics, driver's station, and electrical system. The M125 has the same silhouette as the M113 Personnel Carrier and features a welded-in cross beam, additional floor support structures to withstand mortar reaction forces, and an enlarged three-piece top firing hatch.

Skee firing

The M125 Mortar Carrier has a 81mm mortar mounted on turntable in the rear which fires through a large hatch in the roof. Photo of mortar in stowed position inside M125
photo above: submitted by Denny Patrick, Skee firing HE

mortar rounds The baseplate for the mortar is mounted externally on the left side of the vehicle for use when firing the mortar dismounted. The M-125 could carry up to 114 rounds of 81mm high explosive, 30 rounds of illumination and some white phosphorus rounds if necessary. The M-125 provided quick and highly mobile firepower. Photo of 19 on fire-mission The track was also equipped with the .50 caliber Browning machine gun.

The usual crew consisted of three soldiers performing the duties of gunner and assistant gunners, driver and track commander.

track 29

M125 specifications:
Type: Armored Personal Carrier
Crew: typical in armored cavalry use: Driver, Track Commander, Assistant Gunner
Range: 300 miles
Fuel: diesel
Max speed empty: 42 mph on land and 2.9 mph in water
Fording: Amphibious
Vertical obstacle: 1.9ft
Gap crossing: 5.5ft
Armor: 12-38mm
Armament: 1 -50 cal. mounted on the commander's cupola, 81mm mortar.
M125 Specifications Sheet

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