A Troop 4/12th Cav

Who We Were Why Now Join Commo Net Brotherhood
A Troop Lineage
Troop Roster
Message Board
Tools of the Trade
Rank & MOS
Jargon & Slang
Photo Albums
The Cav Store

Actual 1969-1970 letterhead donated by Jim Davis

Link to Archives at Texas Tech that houses our historical record of the Vietnam War

A document explaining how to get to the information at Texas Tech

Historical Background: 12th U.S. Cavalry

Division & Cavalry Insignia

"Year by Year "
"His" story, as told by the troopers themselves, in their own words. Augmented by after action reports and other official documents.

Basic Training in the 60's

How to Obtain Historical Records (After Action Reports) from NARA


War Facts and Statistics

Sept. 13, 1968 Combat Operations After Action Report
submitted by Glenn Bowers, 2nd Platoon 68-69

Two operations of the 5th Mech out of the AA's; with information in regards to A Troop 4/12 Cav activities.

The following information was provided by Short, Keith . (2000) C COMPANY, 1st BATTALION, 11th INFANTRY. Colorado: Roshtiek: from his research manual.

Lam Son 719 http://www.societyofthefifthdivision.com/LS719.htm
Lam Son 719 operation, After Action Reports and Order of Battle

Operations of the 1st Infantry Brigade

More documentation on Lam Son 719

OpCon Mar71

Notes on Operations

Notes on A Troop

Jim Davis 8mm film of Quang Tri, a small party in Ft. Riley after 'Nam, & visiting Pineapple in 1971.

Ugly Stepchild With an Attitude

Random Memories







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This site is in no way connected to, or sanctioned by, any official Army or Government entity. This is, and will be a work in progress; we apologize now for any errors and/or mistakes. Information for this site has been and will continue to be gathered from many different sources. It is intended as a place for fellow troopers, family and friends of A Troop 4th Squadron 12th Cavalry (Vietnam Era) to visit, seek contact with, gather information or some insight into the history, language and jargon of the people who were part of A Troop, then and now. A Troop 4/12 Cav (Vietnam Era) invites and encourages trooper's family members to participate in the troop's reunions, memorial services, remembrances of our fellow troopers who have passed on to Fiddler's Green, and to continue the camaraderie of the BROTHERHOOD....Long Live the Cav and its BROTHERHOOD!!