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Unit Citation and Campaign Participation Credit Register, DA Pam 672-3, Viet Nam campaigns

A Troop 4/12th Cav qualified for eight (8) Campaign Participation Credits. These campaign credits are #8 thru #15, based on the unit's time in country.

An organization is given campaign participation credit if it actually engaged the enemy in combat, was stationed in the combat zone, or performed duties either in the air or on the ground in any part of the combat zone during the time limitations of the campaign service stars are worn on the service and campaign medals to denote participation in campaigns. The following are lists of campaigns for the Vietnam Conflict…

a. Vietnam campaigns.

( 1 ) V i e t n a m A d v i s o r y C a m p a i g n , 1 5 M a r c h 1 9 6 2 — 7 M a r c h 1965.

(2)   Vietnam Defense Campaign, 8 March 1965—24 December 1965.

( 3 ) V i e t n a m C o u n t e r o f f e n s i v e , 2 5 D e c e m b e r 1 9 6 5 — 3 0 J u n e 1966.

(4)  Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase II, 1 July 1966—31 May 1967 (Arrowhead authorized only for members of the 173d Air-borne Brigade who actually participated in a landing in the vicinity of Katum, RVN, between the hours of 0900-0907, inclusive, on 27 February     1967).

(5)  Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase III, 1 June 1967—29 January 1968.

(6)  TET Counteroffensive, 30 January 1968—1 April 1968.

(7)  Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase IV, 2 April 1968—30 June 1968.

(8)  Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase V, 1 July 1968—1 November 1968.

(9)  Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase VI, 2 November 1968—22 February 1969.

(10) TET 69 Counteroffensive, 23 February 1969—8 June 1969.

(1 1) V i e t n a m S u m m e r - F a l l 1 9 6 9 , 9 J u n e 1 9 6 9 — 3 1 O c t o b e r 1969.

(12) Vietnam Winter-Spring 1970, 1 November 1969—30 April 1970.

(1 3) D A S a n c t u a r y C o u n t e r o f f e n s i v e , 1 M a y 1 9 7 0 — 3 0 J u n e 1970.

(14) Vietnam Counteroffensive, Phase VII, 1 July 1970—30 June 1971.

(15) Consolidation I, 1 July 1971—30 November 1971.

(16) Consolidation II, 1 December 1971—29 March 1972.

(17) Vietnam CEASE-FIRE, 30 March 1972—28 January 1973.

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This site is in no way connected to, or sanctioned by, any official Army or Government entity. This is, and will be a work in progress; we apologize now for any errors and/or mistakes. Information for this site has been and will continue to be gathered from many different sources. It is intended as a place for fellow troopers, family and friends of A Troop 4th Squadron 12th Cavalry (Vietnam Era) to visit, seek contact with, gather information or some insight into the history, language and jargon of the people who were part of A Troop, then and now. A Troop 4/12 Cav (Vietnam Era) invites and encourages trooper's family members to participate in the troop's reunions, memorial services, remembrances of our fellow troopers who have passed on to Fiddler's Green, and to continue the camaraderie of the BROTHERHOOD....Long Live the Cav and its BROTHERHOOD!!